Stoked Surf Wax Co.
Stoked Surf Wax Co. is a (fake) surf wax company made for surfers by surfers; where we take surfers needs into consideration when creating our surf wax. Some universal issues with surf wax is the hard-to-use packaging that makes it impossible to take the wax in and out, rips after first use, and does not conceal the wax when it melts
So Stoked Surf Wax Co.’s goal is to make the application process as seamless as possible. Where we designed easy access, reusable, and concealing wax packaging; to get you out in the water as soon as possible and continue the stoke!
App prototype
App prototype
Magazine Advertisment
Magazine Advertisment
Stoked Surf Wax Packaging compared to other leading surf wax brands
Stoked Surf Wax Packaging compared to other leading surf wax brands
Incorporating actual surf wax into the logo
Incorporating actual surf wax into the logo
logo sketches
logo sketches
Packaging sketches
Packaging sketches
Magazine Sketch
Magazine Sketch

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